Got a question that even Oprah wouldn't touch? Have a topic that would make Jerry Springer blush? Don't feel shy with Esmeralda Malvada and Signor Guadalupe Oreja. We are here to listen to your stories, thoughts and questions and we will respond with as much thought provoking careful insights as humanly possible... Don't be afraid. Our response won't hurt that much, when the stinging pain goes away, at least you will know the truth... Love,

domingo, 10 de junio de 2007

Thank you...

Dear Esmeralda,

I've been reading your magazine/blog now from the begining. You are always surprising me, one letter you seem to laugh at a man who's wife has cuckolded him, the next letter you are getting wet over foot fetish talk. But the reason for this letter is that on June 07th, 2007 you responded to a desperate lady in KY. I expected you to really give it to her and totally run with the Howard Stern schtick you and Signor Guadalupe have. Instead, you were the kindest, sweetest Dear Ann Landers type of a woman. I miss Ann Landers after she passed away, but I have to admit, you stole my heart with your understanding response back. You reminded me why I love my husband so much and how lucky I am for having him in my life. Have a wonderful life Ms Esmeralda...

God Bless You,


Darling Mary,

Thank you for the lovely letter. I hope you continue reading my letters and responses. You too have a wonderful life,

Kiss kiss,

Esmeralda Malvada

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